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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  September 28, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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sounded like gunshots. >> evidence left at the scene connected him. he was last seen driving off in buick similar to the one pictured here. >> you never expect that it be your neighbor. >> neighbors say the father of four kids was friendly. the family minivan is still parked out front. neighbors were aware of problems. wife lived separately time, they say. he recently resigned as an historian at quantico. even though the mail keeps going, neighbors have not seen the family for days. >> you just wait for things to done. >> we have been in touch with the sheriff all day today. the number one priority is to
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him. he puts this look out out there. wants you to call 911 if you a 2003 buick century with virginia tags. inside could be camping and survival gear. the other priority is to uncover a motive in this case. this appears to be a personal matter, not a professional one. important, police look at this information. they say they believe his car is loaded with survival equipment. continue to monitor this developing story. >> three women have been springfield in the past month. police believe -- insulted in past the walking along when a man grabbed them. we have these details.
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>> this is pretty unnerving, happened inve all broad daylight. latest just yesterday in the crestwood neighborhood. us howtim shared with heralding it was. -- harrowing it was. just 17 years old, she is the latest victim. walking around 9:00 yesterday morning. >> i saw a shadow. he started to run away. >> fairfax county police believe has struck twice before of. september 18, 2:45 p.m., at he old girl.15-year- in september 7, he fumbled a 26-
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year-old woman. -- fondled a 26-year-old woman. >> does it make you nervous? be other victims embarrassed or ashamed. we need to know. scariest moments of my life. >> that guy was wearing sunglasses. cases comment he had the trademark red basall cap. from manyt to hear out there. even though no one has been physically hurt, they're worried things could escalate. are using breathalyzer is on suspected drunk drivers. the testing began today.
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since that time, police said had to use your in testing. -- urine testing. hear from police about this change. let's turn to the weather. what is the weekend looking like? find out. bob ryan is standing by. >> there are still some showers around, but things are getting better. as wild as it was last evening. are some showers, even a rumble of thunder for folks maryland.southern all of this is pushing off to our south. there are still left around -- at the temperatures in now. cumberland, 64. washington.
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friday night football games, i be a fewre will showers. no general rain. temperatures will be into mid- 60's. -- by game time, most areas be partly cloudy. lot attendant has to stealingty parking fees. federal prosecutors say he is of three employees to began money in april of 2009. all three were arrested last month. maximum of 10 years in prison. the efforts to a big voters were veterans, active military, and their family members. of call this the
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fight over the men and women who t for a living. is one of the reasons we are constant stops in virginia by the candidates. neither has served in the military. they both play the parts as much possible, whether it is being by former navy secretary, or another uniformed background. is an honor to be here you. >> mitt romney is behind in winning amongs veterans. a massive block of 800,000 often reliable voters. more and more people are waking up. more people. >> he told us -- >> we do not cut our military budget.
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cuts the president has his own military cheering section. >> i see those military families whether theiring are going to come back,. the end of the iraq war is down.g mitt romney dismisses a large group of the population, military. >> it does not seem to me that knows any of us. understands us or he gets us. the only time he does seem to make note of us is when he is about the 47%. somee for the argument -- them built right here in virginia. abc 7 is your vote 2012
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station. the candidates are the first debate next week. look at their strengths and weaknesses. learning new details about the colorado movie theater shooting suspect. the judge has released several new court documents. holmes ors say professor.a he faces 152 charges, including 12 murder charges. witnesses in those -- and those injured might be allowed to visit soon. >> new information in shooting.s deadly police said the accused gunman fired from the company s before he shot and killed people, including himself. they found packaging for 10,000 ammunition during a search of this house. out, find out why police are looking at sexual
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to a newtwo years ago crimes. tragedy. >> a man killed a suspected burglar. >> more problems for american airlines. sue is apologizing for all of the cancellations. the director of the local accused of drowning water for own animals.
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[ knococking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minuteclinic makes it ea to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united heaealthcare benefit plans. find a clinic nearar you at
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>> the former director of a local zoo is in court. that trial is still ongoing at this hour. the witnesses today have painted picture of the zoo. for years, it has been a popular spot for children to get up close with animals. this trial has uncovered evidence of shoddy handling of of those animals. >> it is unfortunate. that zoo has been there forever. >> i am shocked.
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director is accused of drowning a wallaby this past winter. today, prosecutors presented more than a dozen witnesses who testified the wallaby signed all signs -- that it hadigns been drowned. prosecution witnesses say there of an injection or legal chemicals. they also say when they got to zoo, they found the dead will be sucked inside a trash bag. -- wallaby soaked inside a trash bag. there were witnesses who said that did not make any sense at all. verdict sometime today.
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>> a potentially dangerous prevented after to were discovered in a piece of carry-on luggage. the officers found a switch blade and a boot knife hidden e bottomthe lining of th of the carry-on. confiscated and a woman was charged. the incident did not have an on airport operations. >> there is a better way to look stars this week in an arlington. the planetarium held a grand reopening ceremony. .ob ryan attended the event >> bob can tell you about every single little dots. >> the planetarium is a forerful environment about the sky and and it was undergoing renovation. the friends of the planetarium,
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.tudents, everybody chipped in was named in honor of an arlington native, david brown. he was a mission specialist on the updated columbia. he grew up right near the planetarium. this was athe skies, from time lapse wintergreen. the morning fog and clouds. think there will be some more tomorrow morning. look at the temperatures, though. is 76 degrees. are some showers, but none the wild whether we had around last night. look at the cooler air off to our north and northwest. that will be the air coming in as they go through much of the weekend. lot better.looks a
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here is what is going on in doppler right now. there are those showers 40 parts ofthe northern parts southern maryland. -- for you in parts of southern maryland. you can get a general idea of widespread they are. n is one we patter have the drier air continue to come in. winds turn more to our nw. a lot of those showers will be well to our north -- well to our south. look at the morning low temperatures. by tomorrow morning, it into 50's. the feel of fall will be any air. clouds duringher the afternoon.
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free admission for skyline drive tomorrow. temperatures will be in the 60's. sunday, there is chance there might be a few showers popping up in the to our west. by and large, it will be a pleasant weekend. for this evening, some of those wild none of the weather and wild thunderstorms we had last evening. patchy fog as possible for you early risers. by midmorning and into the afternoon, a lot of sunshine. very pleasant, temperatures in e mid-70's. 72-77 degrees with low humidity. in the showers sunday would be late sunday. week, after we get through
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monday, it looks like we will just a rainy day on tuesday. a nice weekend. that is a wonderful -- >> just in time for the weekend. giveaway isfacebook choice for a fall weather. we will give away tickets every day. >> is all new. a look at inappropriate behavior caught on tape. the teachers behaving badly. >> i am not trying to say that wrong.ot
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i am not saying that, but i do think in this situation, legalthere were adults, it should not affect me or anyone else. is on tonight at 10:00. apologizing to millions of customers. musical message these patients are sending. tragedy in the connecticut in man races to help actuallyis sister and should his son.
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>> a conn father is mourning the 15-year-old son. the teenager died at the hands of his father. man thought he was shooting at a masked intruder at house, but it be his son.o teenager.a well-liked his father was a popular fifth grade teacher. what is clear today, it was a
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tragedy that few parents can fathom. fairfield, conn., has fewer than 15,000 residents. the horrifying tragedy has .ffected many >> i knew the boy, lovely little boy. investigators said at thursday,ely 1:00 on he got a frantic phone call from sister who lives next door. intruder appear to be trying break in wearing a ski mask. wielding a knife. when he confronted him, he shot him. repeatedly. another assault had occurred in neighborhood two days prior. i am sure that was his first priority. to keep his sister safe. when troopers arrived, they pulled back the mask. despite the circumstances, this
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said he was not known as troubled teenager. >> everybody loved him and a good >> friend said the father is also beloved, a fifth grade middle school. those 1 million type teachers. -- one in a million type teachers. police continued to investigate. >> what a hard break. a florida teacher is in jail tonight charged with trying to kill anotherto teacher. off that theped 55-year-old called someone in georgette and ask that person kill a teacher. that is when the fbi got involved and investigators recording phone calls. >> he indicated that he would be
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g to pay the undercover officer $2,000 to take care of the problem. >> what makes this story intendedis that the target had no idea. the two men never got into any or exchanged words. samples removed from my home michigan could answer a question. where was jimmy hoffa buried? testing is being done on the wet soil. there were no immediate signs of remains. seen in 1975. howl ahead, new details on painting in debt in a flea after being stolen from a l museum decades ago. visit to a local
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school. >> a sexual predator has been attacking women in monterrey than two years. attacking women in monterrey krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the... number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have...
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gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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>> you are watching abc 7 news with leon harris, alison starling. this is abc 7 news at 5:00, underside. -- on your side. >> we are live in gaithersburg with two police believe they're looking for. man hase believe this attacking women in gaithersburg and germantown for more than two years. police want your help to find him and shot him down. saturday night at the stairs. the apartment complex, this man
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wife was heading to car when she spotted a peeping tom. >> the guy was below with a mask on. >> i am concerned because i have year-old daughter. >> on labor day weekend, police woman woke to find an intruder in her townhouse. >> it is scary. you were wondering who is that person in our neighborhood. is the samelieve cases.both been attacking women for more than two years. june 2010 and january 2011, 68-year-assaulting a old. august of 2010, sexually assaulting an 86-year-old. in august of 2011, assaulting a
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37-year-old and her gaithersburg,. >> we have reason to believe related.ncidents are we have determined the three victims, those are connected. police have put together some composite sketches. not relying on us now because the suspect may have changed is looks dramatically. >> a serial purse snatcher is on in virginia that is using a disguise to help them target is victims. someone posing as a maintenance g purses atn stealin of doctors' offices. has struck at least seven times. >> we want to check again for the top stories from today.
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for a are looking man wanted in connection with a murder of a popular superintendent in upstate new york. police consider him armed and dangerous. evidence that the crime scene in york points to him. >> police say one man is three sexualor assaults in springfield. police described the assailant a black beard and a goatee baseball cap.ed using breathalyzer drunk drivers. it had been suspended for the last two years. the relaunch of the breathalyzer is expected to boost the city's capability to prosecute. >> john walsh will miss about after beingof gains diagnosed with a knee injury.
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he spent the day back at school. >> a special star to the school y for students at seidlin in southeast d.c.. -- sign an elementary in southeast d.c. has become exercise 50 studentsnearly at this school. it is all part of a successful program. designed to enhance health and academic performance. this fifth grader participates three mornings before class. according to the 2010 s shape the nation's airports, recommend children 60 minutes of activity per day.
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only 57% have regular recess. it is helping their bodies, teachers say it is helping their minds as well. >> we get feedback from them. these students are more alert in the morning. they are ready to learn. that is why we do this program. >> he wishes he had a program he was growing up. this program is currently in the district of columbia and 160 schools across the country. e to add hundreds more by the end of 2013. for a check on the traffic situation. >> friday afternoon, you can see
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the delays. washington boulevard towards duke street. those will take you on and off the way towards fredericksburg bird watching theys, inner loop of american legion trades. you're seeing some additional delays.op 270 northbound slow traffic there. pretty serious crash. that is the latest. >> their fighting cancer. finding time to dance. man on the d.c. 5 right learned he was being laid off.
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which weekend is here, more work on the metro. [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water
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from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourlf at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at [ mitt romney ] there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matr what...
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who are e dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that theare entitled to health care, to food, thousing, to you-name-it... and they will vote for this president no matter what... and so my job is not to worry about those people. i'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.
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>> the verdict has just been announced. we're live from the courthouse. >> the verdict came down with in the last few minutes at the fairfax county courthouse. the judge ruling that the director is guilty of one count of misdemeanor animal cruelty charges. the zoo has been very popular many parents throughout the years. very shocking. grabbing one of the wallabies d drowning that while the earlier this year after the wallaby had injured one of its eyes. she claimed she had euthanize but the judge said that was not the case. he did give down a sentence as behind bars.s
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most of those are suspended. she will probably spend a month behind bars. she plans to appeal. video starring children being treated for cancer is going by rope. -- viral. >> they say they're -- even though they are in the hospital, to have fun. cynne simpson has their story. >> through the halls of the in their rooms and next , thesenurses' station hopkins arejohns a message to the world. >> have a little bit more fun
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than taking medicine. >> and not focus on being sick. >> they created a music video and posted on youtube. viralt a week, it went a d has 140,000 views. oh, my goodness. >> one direction band member his 6weeted it out to million followers. >> we are famous and now. >> seeing their daughter in the o brought them to tears. >> we love seeing her have a good time. sharenice to be able to that, too. >> kids really do have a lot of
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fun. >> they would like to make another music video. for now, they're soaking up their stardom. the hospital has extended an invitation to one direction. >> they are famous. >> that was wonderful. sold for $7 at a local flea market. >> two big apologies today.
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we're here! [ giggling ] these days, nobody has time to get sick. mom, i don't feel good. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary,
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so you can feel better in no time. minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs pharmacy, no appointment necessary. find a cnic near you at is apologizing -- apologizing for glitches with program.ny's new map it was rolled all last three to iphone and ipad devices. engineers will continue nonstop on the issues. he suggest people use alternatives map programs.
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>> another big business is today. to customers airlines. more american airlines were canceled. this is all the wake of its ongoing dispute with pilots. the pilots union send out a memo. >> the fight appears to be far over. >> as the battle gets uglier, passengers continue to get caught in the middle. >> this is the last time i will fly american. >> she was desperate to get to los angeles to get married. >> now is there it -- now there is another maintenance issue. >> a flood of maintenance complaints and pilot sick calls forced hundreds of cancellations nationwide.
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thursday, the airline planned to union to court. >>. disrupting the operation. if it does not stop, we will o choice but to go to court. >> things came to a head this when pilots rejected a contract order. union leaders denied there is a say threats will not restart bargaining talks. you cannot have a sword over our heads. >> the union blames the problem on older planes that need maintenance. >> we have cancelled. we cannot count on them. american airlines issued an mail apology to members of its loyalty program. staff to its main its department to help travelers. -- thate have located
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than 60ok place more years ago. a police report said the painting -- it turns out that bought a few was ago at a flea market for $7. auctioned offo be tomorrow. that option has been put on hold after this new information came out. possible the museum able the painting. >> we want to take a moment to recognize one of our retiringhers who is almost 40 years here at wjla. the metro areaed for the last four decades. he is a true professional. he is one of the nicest people in theever meet newsroom.
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>> he really is going to be missed. years, that makes you a legend. he is a great guy to travel america with.l he is a great journalist. >> let's see what is coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00. >> gordon peterson is in the newsroom. me add my congratulations to david. drinking and driving, a bad combination. response arezer -- the breathalyzer is our back. we will see what has changed since they were pulled from the to years ago. preparations under way for the debate ofidential this current election year. be next week. one of the candidate is trying to play down expectations. we will talk about this.
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a looked at what is coming up monday. invite cady into their homes every day, but -- intors in fight katie day, but nowvery e is turning the tables. see what other surprises she has monday at 4:00. >> we will invite bob ryan to what isan idea of happening with the weather. about something free this weekend? please everybody. you can go out to skyline drive. that is the great view. the clouds and showers are breaking up. admission to the shenandoah national park. hike. and take a
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all of those showers are moving more to our south. as they go through later on tonight, at no repeat of the violent thunderstorms we saw. looking at how much rainfall in warrington. there were some isolated spots with some flash flooding. for your weekend, drier air. a nice day tomorrow, the low 70's.n late on sunday, there could be a lonesome shaw were popping up. -- shall are popping up. on sunday, temperatures in the 70's. storms forming to our south late monday. to a stable be a rather rainy day. ratheruesday will be a rainy day. must-is looking like a
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win week. is a turning point. the offense is doing its job. the defense, hard to believe ago, thee weeks redskins, it was being looked at as its most reliable units. it has fallen to 30th in the league. you can be sure it is an area to improve on. the third hasfin everything the redskins would be, ande more. the defense, not so much. what was supposed to be one of the team's strengths has turned out to be its biggest weakness. washington currently ranks 30th. they've given up 101 points in just three games. >> i am not going to write the
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book on this yet. we have to continue to get better. after years of ineffectiveness, the redskins' pulling theirally weight. the average more points per y other team in the nfl. >> power defense is going to play and how many points we are going to score. we take a week by week. >> if they need any added incentive, they can look to secondary coach. he is returning to tampa for the first time since being fired. we have a ton of things to play for. an addition have this weekend. there is someone else out on the
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wizards as well. >> good news all around. coming up next, first got bad news that he was losing his job. but then he got some good news. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. christie: i do the laundry, i pay the bills, i make sure my kids are fed and rested and healthy.
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female vo: moms like christie would be stretched even movere under mitt romney. to fund his tax cuts for millionaires, romney could take away middle class deductions for child care, home mortgages, and college tuition. christie: mitt romney, he's so focused on big business and tax cuts for the wealthy... it seems like his answers to middle-class america are just...tough...tough luck.
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>> bad luck has turned around. >> he is about to lose his job, also just won the lottery. we have the story. >> you need to go play your numbers. >> and james brown was back at one-stop today. numbers andbirthday one $102,000. -- hee 48-year-old brown loses his job october 12.
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>> i am a little depressed. after 27 years, this is it for on this date. everybody gets a little depressed. >> the lottery folks paid him a visit at the one-stop with the ceremonial check. >> he does feel good. name is james brown and he good like he knew he wasn't. -- lacking knew he would. -- like he knew he would. >> this will be over for a little while. >> it worked out well for james brown. one in 100,000. >> way to go, congratulations.
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bad is it for abc 7 news at 5:00. new breathalyzer program street in d.c.. >> they're made for some of the memorable moment in political history. what shall we expect in next week's debate? >> a little more rain before the weekend approaches. captioned by the national captioning institute >> live and in hd, this is abc news at 6, on your side. >> our first story, the district restarts breathalyzer is for suspected drunk drivers. >> the devices were found to be in accurately calibrated. now they're back and ready for use starting tonight. -- for use starting tonight.


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